As part of this update, we’re also expanding language support across the board. If you live in a country where AI Overview is available, you can now get AI Overview in currently supported languages, including English, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish. So, for example, if you’re in the US and speak Spanish, you’ll be able to see the AI overview in your preferred language.
Connect to the best of the web
Helping people discover content from publishers, companies, and creators remains at the heart of our approach with AI overview in search. Starting in May, we introduced a way to display links to relevant websites more prominently within AI overviews. On desktop, you’ll see links on the right; on mobile, tap the site icon in the top right for a similar experience. And earlier this month, we launched inline links that appear directly within the text of the AI Overview. In our testing, these updates increased traffic to our support website compared to the previous design.
As before, ads will continue to appear in dedicated slots throughout the page and will be clearly labeled to differentiate between organic and sponsored search results. Additionally, as we shared earlier this month, AI Overview ads will now be available on relevant queries for mobile users in the U.S. to better connect people with products and brands that help them in their searches.
AI Overview is just one way we’re expanding the types of questions you can ask on Google and making it easier to explore content online. Learn more about our latest AI-powered upgrades to search.